Category Archives: kidney infection

The Kidney Saga Continueth…

The long weekend; our first valentines day; a trip to a mountain resort: I end up in hospital – again. Last weekend was my fourth trip to emergency in as many months for the same kidney problem that no one seemed to be able to get to the bottom of. The boyfriend and I, (who are now living together for anyone who cares), took the kids and went away. Everything should have been perfect except I spent 7 hours on valentines day in the hospital. I was distressed until the nurse gave me a “bottle of wine” through my IV (morphine) and leaned on my bed to chat with me and cheer me up.

I followed up with my doctor and had my IUD removed when we got back to town. The kidney pain was gone within a couple of hours. It was in for 2 weeks when the first bout of kidney problems started. It took me until January to ask the doctor if it could be the IUD causing the recurring problems and she told me it wasn’t. I did more research online and it seems that many women have recurring UTIs with and IUD. Having fragile kidneys it didn’t take much to upset them.

The one positive, if we are counting it as a positive, is that I haven’t binged and purged in 2.5 months. Now I feel the urge to get back to my ED knowing that it didn’t f**k my kidneys up this time.

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