
I have been back nearly two weeks. They have been a blur of emotions and days and I cannot quite recall them in minute detail. 
I have existed: gone through the motions, done what’s expected of me at work or home. 
I have not eaten. I have eaten too much. I am now full of emptiness; of leavings and longings and loss. 

In the middle of the night when I couldn’t sleep (too scared to close my eyes, too numb to keep them open), I wandered into the kitchen in my underwear and started foraging for food. 

The sight of my mostly naked body was simply an annoyance. Instead of halting me, it spurred me on. I made pasta without thinking about it. I could have gone to sleep hungry, but instead I started looking for comfort in carbohydrates, for happiness in the bubbling tomato sauce and for love in the soft, melting cheese. I let it caress my insides with warmth. I let it soothe me. I ate sitting on the floor with my fat rolling out around my panties and bra, cushioning the agony, shielding me from the dying sensation that will not leave me alone. 

I sobbed into some wine. I wailed in a bubble bath. Tears and snot and mascara mingling with the grimy water, dull as my soul. 

I am a tomb of nothingness. 

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6 thoughts on “Bereft

  1. littlevoicetalks says:

    Glad your back posting, and so sorry to hear of the struggle. Keeping you close to heart and in prayers xx

    • Thanks…I think it’s mostly self inflicted!

      • littlevoicetalks says:

        Self-inflicted. Don’t buy it. If you really had a choice, you would be snake finest normally without guilt, remorse, binging/purging, crying
        …. Self inflicted suggests you have a choice. We know otherwise. Please bd kind to yourself. Xx

  2. Grainne says:

    Hello love. Sending you hugs from across the miles. xoxox

  3. I am excited you are back on here!!! But so sad to hear at this expense! I was hoping to hear about your trip but I’m guessing it did not go well.

    I am so sorry you are hurting so much. I wish I could fix it all!!

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